In service to Light, Love, and Life.


Universal Connection Ministry is an inclusive interfaith nonprofit organization focused on bringing together people of all faiths to give back to and serve their community and all those in need. As well as provide a safe space to promote interfaith dialogue. We are based out of Houston, Texas. Our initial efforts will be to serve our local community. Over time we hope to grow to serve as many of those in need as we can. 

Community Service and Events

We will be holding events in the Houston area to give back to and serve the community. Such as diaper drives, food drives, and other services based on community needs. We seek to remain dynamic and adaptive to the changing needs of the community. Details of future events can be found on the Events and Meetings page.

Interfaith Dialogue Meetings

We will be holding regular interfaith dialogue meetings. As of now we do not have a permanent location, in the meantime we will be posting the locations, dates, and times of these meetings on the Events and Meetings Page. These meetings will take place at indoor and outdoor venues, weather dependent. Any and all faith backgrounds are welcome to attend. We do ask that all attendees be respectful of others beliefs. And, to do your best to refrain from saying any version of “you are wrong”. Disagreements are to be expected. It is the philosophy of this ministry to never say that an individual’s beliefs are wrong. This is meant to be a safe, welcoming environment for people of all faiths and backgrounds. Where anyone can openly share their beliefs so that we may better understand each other and ourselves. And with the hope that we may find unity in what we hold in common, and understanding in our differences.